What type of moves are you making?

@matthewd92 , I am looking for a generic solution on this so I'm interested if something works for either moveJ, moveL or both of them.

Thanks @matthewd92, I wasn't aware of this variable!
However, this offset will not be applied in the tool frame, am I right?

@matthewd92 I try to play with the base_var on polyscope 3.6 but I receive an error about 'base_var not initialized' ?

Thanks Mat, that's what I was missing !

@matthewd92 Is it still working with eSeries ?

@matthewd92 Looks like the feature is deprecated :/

@DevinNorris Feature points in UR includes orientation.

Let me see if I can find one when I’m back in the office next week.MarcAntoine_Lacasse said:@matthewd92 Do you mean you can still define waypoint relative to Base feature with E-Series and modify de Base feature by just defining the Base_var variable ? If so, can you give a programme example ?

Trying to understand something here, how are Feature waypoints different in orientation than regular waypoints? I know you can use features within the built-in Polyscope move functions but we do the same thing all the time with regular waypoints with scripted moves, or we do the math we need to do and then just use Polyscope move functions with a variable waypoint.MarcAntoine_Lacasse said:@DevinNorris Feature points in UR includes orientation.
Just trying to understand and what you are getting at regarding the feature points and orientation.

@matthewd92 You are right, Feature point are the same as regular waypoint, both contains position and orientation.

@Kaleb_Rodes I posted a blog post related to this topic as I have seen a lot of folks have this same issue, including myself when I first started doing more advanced stuff with UR programs. Here is a link to the post, https://blog.hirebotics.com/engineering/universal-robots-programming-feature-point-orientationKaleb_Rodes said:@matthewd92 @MarcAntoine_Lacasse I've used point features in the past and occasionally the robot would move to the point/location but not in the correct orientation. For example, say I created a feature point on the top surface of the table.. base and tool z-axis perpendicular to the surface. Now when moving to that point the robot would approach from the bottom side of the table.

I have one doubt if we use Base_var , are we shifting the robot base?matthewd92 said:With moveL you could simply alter the base_var and then it adjusts the moves accordingly. This does not work for movej though since there is no transformation going on behind the scenes like there is with moveL. You could store as an installation variable the offset pose to use and then in the before start section of the program do the pose_add such as:We played around with this some yesterday and it actually does work with the movelbase_var = pose_add(base_var,someOffsetPose)
Due to this any impact on robot..
Hi all,
Let's say that I have a minor change on my robot's end effector (for example, I changed the fingertips of my gripper) and I want to apply an offset of 5mm in tool Z. Normally, I would just change the TCP. However, if all waypoints were teached with the "Use Tool Flange" option for the TCP, is there a way that I can offset all these points without having to change the TCP on all the move instructions? Imagine that I have a lot of programs with a lot of points such that any manual operation is not practical.
I'm looking for a script, a tool or a built-in option in Polyscope.