I have run into this problem a few times myself. The teach pendant almost went through the window... Thankfully, I didn't think about the wrench solution!
The "Force mode not possible in singularity" is not a bug or a glitch, this is a protective error popup that is triggered by UR. Basically, the ActiveDrive feature uses the robot's force mode. And the robot's force mode has the same positional restraints that the robot has, but the restraint envelope is slightly larger. This means that if you try to move the robot's tool plate over the base of the robot, you will get the "Force mode not possible in singularity" error about 30cm before the tool is over the base of the robot. The robot is basically giving you a warning that the robot is close to a singularity instead of resulting in an unpredictable movement. Try to avoid any positions that place the robot's tool plate close to the robot's base, or a position that places two joints in the same axis, or a position that bends the robot into itself.
This should help avoid the "Force mode not possible in singularity" error and should allow you to keep your job! :D

Great answer @Tim_Smith!
I get this error message quite frequently while trying to map out and record a Path sequence; "Force Mode not possible in singularity". I'll adjust the joints slightly and the Path function will work most of the time. I currently have all 6 axis relatively close to the center of the servo's limitations (UR-10). I press record, boom! I am presented with the unholy "Force mode not possible in singularity" error message. How does this error trigger? Bug or glitch? Is beating the robot with a wrench while shouting; "please, just work, i need this job, I have three kids!" a fix (rhetorical)? Thank you for your time.