hello,wondering how to define tcp's for your robotiq grippers with the 90 degree angle attachment. I have them defined as p[.065,0,.05,0,.7854,0,0] and p[-.065,0,.05,0,-.7854,0,0] but i don't think thats right as my force functions are not working properly. Also my plane is flipped when i try to move in relative to my plane? Any ideas what could be causing my issue?
Hello @jas088ac How did you manage to get the rotation values in your TCP setting? When you mention your force functions, do you mean the ones related to UR or to Robotiq's F/T Sensor?Let me do some tests and I will get back shortly.
@Annick_Mottard i attached a picture of our setup. The force works properly now but since the plane is flipped in my features i needed to change the sign of the force. (on the UR5, no f/t sensor).
@jas088ac.From my calculations, it seems the TCP for each gripper is at [0.165, 0, 0.22] and [-0.165, 0, 0.22] in x, y and z for each gripper. I tried with your orientation values ([0, 0.7854, 0] and [0, -0.7854, 0]) and it worked properly on my end. Make sure the orientation is set in Ry, not Rx (I was not sure from the way you wrote it). Let me know if this works.
@Annick_Mottard Yes sorry im rotated in Y not x. will try your numbers and see if it helps. Thank you!!
wondering how to define tcp's for your robotiq grippers with the 90 degree angle attachment. I have them defined as p[.065,0,.05,0,.7854,0,0] and p[-.065,0,.05,0,-.7854,0,0] but i don't think thats right as my force functions are not working properly. Also my plane is flipped when i try to move in relative to my plane? Any ideas what could be causing my issue?