Here is a screen shot of a program in Polyscope that gets the current position of the TCP, creates a rotation vector list (rx,ry,rz) in radians and then uses rotvec2rpy() to generate the rx,ry,rz in Roll Pitch Yaw.
You can see the variables on the right side, here are screen shots from the move screen as well showing corresponding values for this position
Does that answer the question?
I cannot find documentation on how to format a variable to be the following, can you please give an example of how I'd format a rotation vector and RPY variable.
rotation vector (for use in rpy2rotvec) = ?
RPY (for use in rpy2rotvec) = ?
What I'm looking for is an example like this:
position variable: pos1 = p[# in m, # in m, # in m, rx in rad, ry in rad, rz in rad]
Also, can you please verify that a frame is represented as a position (similar to above)? Please correct me if any units are wrong in the above.