Something that can be done could look like this:
you create a loop which run until you receive an end signal
if the end signal is false
first you wait that the position you receive is different from 0 and different from the previous
reset a signal that say the trajectory is done
you memorize this new point in a variable
you do a move trajectory to this new point
you send a signal that the trajectory is done
You could use others variables to decide which kind of move you want to do and for example get different speed.
This would give you a short program with everything done from the Ethernet. But it's just an idea, I've never tested it.

sorry... the robot is UR10
I need to send very long programs to the robot to work with an extruder like 3dprinter, I connected it with the ethernet cable and when I send the program the robot doesn't start, as if it does not have enough memory, there is a way to send the code line by line?