Hi @carofide,
Check my comment in the ROS industrial repository, where there is also an issue having the same problem.
Moreover, if you are familiar with ros-controls, check our fork, where we added support for that, plus the urdf of the current 2F-85 model with two level of granularity for the collision geometry
Let me know if you manage to move the gripper.
Hi @carofide
What you need to do is to add that parameter to your server parameter server via your prefer way, writing and loading a yaml file, or directly in the launch file (note that this node already exists in the launch file, I only added the parameter within the node tag, and also note that the parameter gets the node namespace this way)
or even via terminal before launching the node (you'd need to have a rosmaster running before)<node ns="simple_gripper" name="simple_gripper_hw" pkg="robotiq_2f_hw_usb" type="robotiq_2f_hw_usb_node" respawn="false" output="screen">
<param name="port" value="
rosparam set /NAMESPACE/port /dev/ttyUSB0
Apologies for the bad documentation, I hope to improve the package soon
, and add more examples
Hey, that is perfectly fine, you made it! If you got the initialization routine, that's it.
In fact, the file robotiq_2f_85_usb.launch is empty, the file bringup.launch is the one you need to bring up the driver.
You don't need robotiq_c_model_control at all, that's mainly why I rewrote the driver, since that package is not ros-controls compliant, and if you try to run it alongside our driver, it won't work, since both require exclusive access to the /dev/ttyUSB1 device.
Now, once you get the initialization routine, you can open an rqt window (just type rqt on a terminal), and follow in the window menu Plugins->Robot Tools->Joint trajectory controller, and look in the drop-down menus, there should be both the controller manager and trajectory controller you loaded here.
Moving the slide will open and close the gripper. That is the quickest way to get it move, but actually the movement is not that smooth, but if you get up to here, let me know and I'd tell you how to switch to a smoother controller.

Hi @carlosjoserg,
I was lauching the robotiq_2f_85_usb.lauch file because this is what the README says I should launch. Launching the bringup.launch, I was able to move the gripper, as you mentioned.
FYI I also managed to run the original driver, as explained in @Laurie. I had to create a launch file that run both node simultaneously, in order to have them working. My mistake was that I was running them separately.
Now, I would like to know how shall I proceed to integrate the gripper with the robot. With the original driver. It is clear how to to it, what functions to use to send information to the gripper and to receive, but what about the other package?
On the other hand, I run the USB driver with the 3 fingers and It did work, at least I was able to open an close the gripper; Althought I guess there are functions of the 3 fingers gripper that I can not control with the 2 fingers driver.
My last question is about the TCP modbus node of both grippers. I have not been able to connect to the grippers with those drivers. The network is well created, as explained in the ros-tutorial. I receive information after a ping. However, after running the nodes, an error appears "connection refused".
Thanks again for all your help.
I am trying to connect the two fingers gripper. The gripper is connected to the gripper controller(k1265), and we connect the controller to the PC using a USB cable. I can run the driver node without errors. However, when running the simple controller node the gripper does not move. I have followed the tutorials without luck. I really appreciate your help.
I have also connected the gripper controller to a windows PC and the gripper moves with the robotiq GUI .