Hi Pros,In some applications where cycle time is critical, saving a few seconds here and there can be important. Here's a new program template that allows you to save a few tenths of seconds when releasing a part using the Robotiq Gripper. Depending on the size of the part, you could save up to 0.8 seconds per opening.Get the program template here.
David,Can you expound on what you are doing in the template for those of us who have existing programs but would like to save some cycle time?Thanks,Matt
@matthewd92 Of course, The code looks something like this : release_pos≔rq_current_pos()-25 If release_pos<3 release_pos≔3 Gripper Open (1) Loop rq_current_pos()>release_pos sync() The release_pos variable is assigned reading the current position of the gripper and subtract 25 countsIf the release pos count if below 3 the release_pos is set to 3 as it is the maximum opening position.An open command is sent to the gripper, not an open and wait.The program enter in a loop as long as the current position is bigger then the release_posThe next action can then be executed while the gripper is still opening.To use the function in an existing program, just insert the rq_release.script file in your BeforeStart program then use the following function to release a part instead of an open and wait command.rq_release_open() Please note that at this moment, the function should not be used when the gripper is mounted on the wrist camera as some unpredictable delay can occur in the communication.
Thanks, we implemented something similar in function but nowhere as good a code! It did gain us a few hundred milliseconds but this would be more reliable I think. Ours was dependent on the robot speed at the point of release.
Hi Pros,
In some applications where cycle time is critical, saving a few seconds here and there can be important. Here's a new program template that allows you to save a few tenths of seconds when releasing a part using the Robotiq Gripper. Depending on the size of the part, you could save up to 0.8 seconds per opening.
Get the program template here.