@abeachy_HG24 that's pretty straightforward to do in a background thread. Use a flag variable to turn it on and off when you want to record max value. You might want to play around with some filtering but you can do something like this
if measureMax == True:
If Fx > previousMax:
maxValue = Fx
previousMax = Fx
maxValue = 0
end thread
Let me know if that does what you're looking for. Depending on how much your signal is fluctuating you might want to do some signal filtering using time averaging.

This is how I set my thread up, is that correct?

@abeachy_HG24 you can see some example with this template. There are UR program, explanations and other stuff.

I got it working now, thanks for your help!

You're welcome.
I am using the FT 300 on a UR 10 and we are trying to perform a quality check on our product. The UR will bias the part that needs to be checked all the way in one direction to ensure that we are actuating the part fully. Then the UR will bring the part back and while it is doing this I would like to record the max force that the FT sees during the actuation to a variable and then use an if-statement to decide if the part is good or bad. Right now I am actuating the part and after it reaches the waypoint where the part is fully actuated, I then will record the force value to a variable to compare in an if statement. I think this method works just fine but if possible I would like to use the max force during the actuation, is this possible?