Hi David, Great video!
Would it be possible to post the robot program for this application? I could use this as a starting point for my app. (this is my app)
Also, do you have any tips or tricks used for setting up the camera to detect parts under 10% minimum and accurate insertion? (distance to parts, speeds during moves)

Hi Ed,
I no longer have the robot program for this application. Since you need to be very close to the part you want to detect, you won't be able to cover a large area. So it might be even more useful to use the program template available here which will allow you to cover a bigger area and having to define only 1 camera locate and teach the part only once. About tips or tricks, as i said you will need to be close to the part you want to detect, the closer you can be is 70 mm from the camera lens. Try to avoid any reflection on the part during the teaching process, we sometime need to powdered the part to avoid this. or you could also paint it with a mate paint.
Let me know if you encounter any problem.
Hi pros,
Today I want to share with you a project we worked on that require high precision to pick and place tiny object. The part are tiny nuts that need to be detect by the camera and pick by the gripper. The robot then need to insert the nut in a chuck with only 0.5mm of clearance. The camera couldn’t locate precisely enough the orientation at such precision level.
We used a trick to give the part the right orientation before the insertion in the chuck. By sliding the nut on an edge, we give the nuts a precise orientation and can then insert it in the chuck with ease.
Watch the process in the following video :
Note that the part is below the require minimum 10% field of view but still can be detected. If you aren’t sure application is well suited for our product, send us an email at support@robotiq.com, we will be happy to help.