@C_Hoover so long as the bar code reader you're using can do socket communication as a server then you can directly hook into the UR robot. With Cognex, you send a socket command to trigger the camera and then listen for the return message which would be the results of the image.
You would first ipen open a connection to the camera, send a string and then read a string.
Hope that helps.

Would it be useful for you to be able to do barcode reading with our Robotiq Camera? Would this be an advantage to be able to do both part location and barcode reading?
We are looking at an application where we want to use a UR 5 to glue objects to a shaft, however there are a number of different sized shafts with various sized objects. Ideally we wanted to integrate a barcode reader directly into the UR to call up different subroutines for each different part .However we are not sure if integrating the barcode reader directly to the UR is possible or if it had to be integrated with an external PLC or PC first. If anyone has any experience with this please let me know! Thanks!