Would want to automate gluing process for foam pieces that are of random size and shape.
Idea is to place manualy pieces on a conveior.
Take photo with camera, identify the shape and place of the piece.
All pieces are 2-dimentional so the height of the piece is not an issue.
Then to move the robot so that inside of the piece gets applied with glue.
Can UR + camera acheave this ?

I am not sure that a tool like PatMax would be the approproate choice since, as far as I know, the patterns also need to be teached. I agree with matthewd92, you need a blob or an edge tool. Along with that you will need to select your work plane carefully and maintain a constant illumination.
You should also have a look to Matrox products. They offer a smart camera and a graphical development environment.

Where are you located?