Hi @Erik
It is possible to feed the FT300 output in the UR force mode. This post sums it. You need to use RTDE in order to do so. As of today, the FT Sensor URCap does not include the functionality of streaming the sensor data in the UR force mode.

@Erik it doesn't have to be in the URCap, you could monitor the forces from the FTS externally and then feed them into the controller from a second computer using RTDE running a script on that computer. Depending on how savvy you are with programming there are some example programs in python on UR's support site here that could be used to feed that data into the robot externally.
It will just be very nice when it is in the URCap as then it will be a simple plug and play kind of thing.
@Samuel_Bouchard this would be our primary use for a FT sensor in our applications, just getting better force feedback especially in the force node, any update on if this made the product roadmap you can share?
Hi all,
The UR Force mode in Polyscope is not enough accurate for some applications because the calculated forces at the TCP (based on the joints currents) are not accurate.
From Polyscope 3.3, it's possible to develop an URCap where an external force/torque sensor feeds its measurements directly into the UR force control loop.
Does anyone know if an URCap based on the FT300 has been already developed somewhere?