@mhowe how fast do you need the robot to make the two moves? Is it the same circle? Can you upload a video of what it's currently doing.

Circumference is 2.042m

What blend radius do you have on the movel? Is it inside the loop or outside? It should be outside the loop.mhowe said:We did this, and it works great ( Think of this as a mixer making cake )Loop 2 times
MoveP Waypoint_1
Waypoint_1Now a moveL prior to that for bringing the robot in the machine, somehow prevents it from completing the second circle. A popup says blend radius is to small
Hello all,
I have an application where I need to make two circles without the robot stopping after the first. Basically have the UR seamlessly transition into the second loop. However no matte what we do the UR either stops, makes a crazy unexpected move, skips over the loop and only does one circle.