Hi @kakimmy,
if the blue lines are centered, the calibration is ok then smiley face, if the blue lines are not centered with the grid, the calibration is bad, then frowning face.
You need to check all the 18 photos, if in all photos the blue lines are centered with the grid you can Accept (smiley face), if not you need to Re-calibrate (frowning face).
Tagged: Vision,Universal Robots,Calibration,Camera,UR5

@kakimmy it is indeed like @Afsaar explained, you need to checl them, you can click the pictures to get a larger view of the photo.
The steps are also detailed inside the instruction manual, section 4 guides you through the snapshot & calibration step, while section 5 guides you through object teaching.
This is my screen after doing a calibration on UR5. Are the smiley face and frowning face examples of what good pictures vs bad pictures look like? Or is it telling me that the calibration passed for the first half and failed for the bottom portion? At first I thought my calibration was failing skew because I kept getting that sad face, but now I am wondering if both the smiling and frowning faces appear after every calibration (regardless if it passed or failed) as an example of what is acceptable and what is not.