@Pablo take a look at this post!

You will need to use a 3rd party translation software such as RobotMaster to read the G-Code into the robot to create robot motion at least with UR. Somehow you have to translate the G-Code such as G1 or G0 into what you want the robot to do such as movel, movej or movep
Here's some info from their website...
Convert CAD/CAM Data to 6-axis Robot Output
Use the graphical interface to fine-tune the parameters by which Robotmaster will translate the 2 to 5 axis CNC toolpath data into a 6-axis robot toolpath.
- Set robot configuration for optimal robot posture
- Manage motion between operations

Convert CAD/CAM toolpaths to robot positions
How i can do a robot read g-code ? Example: If i already have a g-code of the 3d printer, has a type of I send this g-code for the robot can execute the moviments of printing ?