@Harish Could you indicate the type of robot you will be using? A few robotics companies offer simulation software that includes safety modules, but these simulation packages are often dependent on the brand of the robot.

@Tyler_Berrymann Process simulate supports most of the common robot brands, like ABB, Fanuc, Kuka, UR and many others. Which robot brand/model are you looking at? Process Simulate has a module to interact with smart devices via signals. light and proximity sensors are supported so I assume it can be used to interface with area scanners and light curtains. Human simulation requires simple wizard-driven tool to be used and helps when evaluating safety of cobots environment. some aspects of the safety analysis does not require the real worker's path definition.
Read more about it here.
Is there is any simulation tool that can simulate the movement and working of human operator and cobot along with integrated safety and vision sensors?