The URCap already contains all the subprograms needed to control the gripper. They are simply embedded so you do not actually see them defined in your program. Try to suppress or delete those two subprograms to run your program.

@abeachy_HG24 @Sebastien this is how I usually teach it during the technical training, get your variable=rq_current_pos().

@Sebastien @lawrence manual link was missing, here it is. Sebastien, you are right you can only read the values that were set, there is no direct force sensing on the Gripper. However, if you want to have an estimate of the values you will get, check the tables in section 4.5 of the manual.
I was just working on a program where I want to read the gripper position once closed on an object. The way I tried to do it is as follows:
I started from an empty program.
I added a GRIPPER command and used Edit action to set the gripper close command.
Then I tried to add subprogram rq_current_pos from the legacy UR package from your support website.
Then I simply added a variable gripperPosition = rq_pos in the program to get the gripper position.
However when I try to run the program there is an error popping up saying Contextual error: The function rq_current_pos is double defined. I am guessing this is probably related to the UR Cap interface which is probably using this function. However, if I try to include only the rq_pos in the program it does not work saying that this variable rq_pos is not defined. What should I do to get fingertips position?