Hi there, I have sent you the Fanuc gripper package by email (the instructions are included in the zip file). Follow all the instructions (including the setting of the gripper parameters in case you have changed them on your PC). Also, first make sure that the serial port (JD17) of your robot is the P3 port. If not, we'll adjust some of our files and resend you a new version. This package is still in beta so please contact me directly if you experience any problem. Regards,

Thanks ! We finally managed to have it working!
Hello Etienne, So it has been a few months and we have not heard anything about the integration software for the Robotiq 2-Finger 85 to Fanuc. I have checked the Robotiq website, and it still says that it will be available soon. I am just wondering if you have a timeline for when that software would be ready? Thank you for your time.