"Conveyor tracking" and "force control" are two separate fonctions that would be interesting to address with path recording. At this moment, I don't see why it would not be possible to combine them if we are able to make them work individually. Please note that the development of such functions have not yet been prioritized at Robotiq.
Can you explain me why and in which situation you would like to apply a constant pressure for applying sealant? Sorry for my ignorance but I thought that for such application only the position of the sealing gun relative to the part (as well as the robot speed and the sealing feed rate) was important? Do you have any video or pictures?
I asked already about path playback with conveyor tracking, I know that may be possible, would that be possible while also using the force feedback and keeping either exact pressure along the path, or detecting when somethings been hit and backing away slightly?
This type of application would be applying sealant to conveyored part with consistent pressure.