@abeachy_HG24 you would need to do some Java to have an overlay button similar to what we do, you should post on the Universal Robots developper forum and request this. Looke here: http://www.universal-robots.com/plus/developer/
This forum is meant for UR+ developper, in short you could develop a URCaps to get your help button.
I guess it's not an option to have the operator go in the IO tab and turn on and IO that you would name "help" ?
We want to have a popup that is always visible on the run screen, so an operator can push a button to request for help from a tech. I was thinking about placing an operator-assignment in a thread, and then whenever the operator pushes the button to request help that would turn on an output to a light above the station. One problem with this is that since it is in a thread, as soon as you press the button for help it automatically appears again which might be acceptable. But with this being in the thread it is blocking other popups that we would like to display. Any ideas on a way to make this work, without adding a physical pushbutton?