@abeachy_HG24 I took the habit of not using the pallet wizard since it was quite flawed. It's a good news UR improved it ! Maybe someone can help you out with that. @Ryan_Weaver @Grady_Turner @Kaleb_Rodes @ahumphrey any of you guys have a suggestion?

@abeachy_HG24 just to clarify, are you using the same pallet wizard in two different locations?

@Kaleb_Rodes that is correct.
Before the UR Software: update I had a program where I was using a pallet wizard in two different locations in a program and it would start at location 1, then when it came to the pallet wizard a second time it would go to location 2 and it would continue like that each time I ran the program, which is how I want it to work. Then after the update they “fixed” it and now it automatically assigns a new name to the pallet wizard so it doesn’t work like before. I need to use this pallet wizard in two locations in the program and it needs to continue like it did before the update. What is the best way to go about doing this?