@michaeltur Feel free to share your solution here!

For getting more info about the Robotiq Gripper glove (can also cover the FT sensor), you can get in touch with Mike Tur from Roboworld at mike@roboworld.com
And get a quote request on: https://roboworld.com/robosuits/accessories-environmental-control/end-arm-tooling/
On the Robotiq recommendations, we would recommend using the locking pins to keep the gripper in parallel mode due to the potential constraint of the glove. Also, consider in high-temperature application that increasing the internal temperature of the gripper can affect the functionality and warranty of the products.
Did anyone use the Robotiq 2 finger gripper into high-temperature application? What did you use to protect the gripper?
I have a customer looking to manipulate parts between 900°C and 1200°C.