@matthewd92 this seems to become one of your specialty!

Thanks Matt for sharing! Are you using the force information from the FT sensor to do the polishing or just the compliance of the tool?

@Tyler_Berryman There is a guide in the universal forum for developers on how to integrate the force from the FT sensor into the robot. It requires the user to use the RTDE interface which may be beyond a lot of users but its not possible since the release of software 3.3. I do look forward to you guys releasing a URCap though to make this an option for the masses.

@matthewd92 Thanks for this information! As Marc-Antoine mentioned in this post: http://dof.robotiq.com/discussion/comment/1763#Comment_1763, it is possible to integrate the Force sensor's data into the UR's force control. However, it did not improve the UR's force mode. I'm guessing that the control loops weren't designed with our's sensor's signal in mind ;)
I was asked by a customer to find examples of Robotiq grippers used as gripper and tool holders. I found these by @matthewd92
And this one with the 3-Finger Gripper on a Yaskawa:
Do you have more examples?