@NicoHanstein the best way to do this in your application would be to use the force command available on the UR Polyscope. When setting up this option you need to select the force mode type. In your case I would recommend using MOTION type. This allows the robot to apply force in the direction based on the tcp motion direction. However, at this time it won't be possible to use this with a path recording option from Robotiq. @MarcAntoine_Lacasse you have done some testing on the force fonction of the UR, do you have any tips and tricks for Nico!

In RTDE, a special input variable should be used for this purpose:
Name: external_force_torque
Script functions to enable an external F/T sensor in the robot controller :
enable_external_ft_sensor(enable, sensor_mass = 0.0, sensor_measuring_offset = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], sensor_cog = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
There is a guide in the universal forum
Here’s another question from @NicoHanstein who is experimenting with the path recording for deburring with their spindles.
Rigid/Stiff Spindle
Until now, we did not test the system with a rigid spindle without deflection. With those spindles it will be necessary to adjust the pressure precisely.
(The exerted pressure against the workpiece influences the deburring result very much.)
How much is the normal/standard force in Newton which is applied when the force sensor will be used with those spindles?
We also would like to know if it is possible to use the standard waypoints of the UR program and combine it with the force sensor.
That means if programming with path is difficult due to different orientations and movement of the joints of the robot, it might help to use or even combine path with the standard waypoints. In case it is possible to preset a certain Force to the Torque sensor will it also continue to apply the same force with the standard waypoints?