In our application, we will have at least two different options per station because we build a left hand and right hand unit. At several stations we will have around 12 combinations of parts that can be assembled for the various configurations of models. I was originally thinking about creating one program and then just tweaking it for each of the different options at that particular station. And then I would have a main program with calls to different subprograms and the PLC would select the correct subprogram to run for the particular model we are running. That becomes a hassle when we start to get to the point where we have 12 or more different options for one station because that is at least 12 programs that must be created, and if a tweak is made and that tweak is something that is common to each option, then we would have to go through all 12 programs and make that tweak. Any ideas on what the best way would be to go about doing this?

@ahumphrey what are your thoughts on this ?