Hi, In the UR package DFU-1.1.10 you can find some demo scripts that are quite similar to this. For example, the demo_force_push_move.script will move the robot in the Z axis and apply a force in that axis until a certain threshold is reached and then stop the movement. You could copy this, and only change the movement axis and the force sensing axis. Hope it helps.

Are you using the sensor with a Robotiq 2-Finger Gripper ? If so I can probably send you a more detailed script.
Hi there, I have been watching numerous videos of the applications that the FT150 can be used in. one that I am really interesting in finding more about, and possibly replicating, is the video of the robot moving along a plane and bumping into blocks so that it can pick them up. How would I go about replicating the program shown in the video or is there a template that you could send me that is similar? Thanks again.