Hello All,
There is a UR10e robot with a robotiq 2f_140 attached to it. I recently updated the polyscope software version on UR10e, as we needed interpreter_mode which wasn't available in the older version (5.6). After upgrading until last week, I didnt face any problem in accessing the gripper from the robot. Last week, I removed the gripper from the robot and I had to test another gripper (from another manufacturer) and today I tried accessing the gripper from the robot, it is not working any more. For the first time after starting the robot, the blue light goes on. But when I try accessing the gripper from robot (in installation/URCaps/Gripper), the red and blue lights are glowing and I am not able to access the gripper. I updated the Robotiq gripper URCap file (from to, but the problem remains the same. So, I am using the old version of Robotiq URCap file again. Is there a way to make the gripper work with the UR10e robot?