Hi, The mechanical concept is the same with coupling and adapter plate, the difference is that the coupling host some electronic and has an attached pigtail cable of 1m. Cables are not compatible ( now 5 pins). Can you tell me what is their robot exact model ? I'll be able to give you the part number you need. So here is how it works now : * Gripper as a fully integrated controller using serial RS-485 communication * Denso just built a package to allow direct communication between Denso controller and our Gripper * You don't need the controller box from Robotiq anymore * Gripper coupling as integrated wiring, * Gripper is mounted on it and spring pins make the connection Out of the coupling is a 1 meter cable, you get either a 5m or 10m cable that will connect onto this 1m cable Fingers : * Two options are available now, 85 mm or 140 mm stroke (more stroke = less payload) * Fingertips are available in blank aluminium, aluminium with silicone cover, or grooved fingertips (picking cylinders) * What drawings would you need to the fingertips ? P.s. we do have a some older Grippers left in stock for sale.

Thanks for the help, I will let Swagelok know these choices and let you guys know the route they decide on going. Thanks again,

Thanks again
Hello, I am working with a customer who is using the older version of the 85 two finger gripper. They are using it on an Epson robot so they had to get a custom adapter plate. Would the new gripper work the same way? Is there a custom adapter plate that needs to be purchased in order for the gripper to work on an Epson robot? Also, how does the cabling work now? I see that the cable doesn't have a quick disconnect at the gripper anymore and the cable goes straight into the gripper. The customer was using a 90 degree cable with their previous gripper, would they need a 90 degree cable with the new design? Does the cable run into the gripper in a specific spot, and if so is there a drawing that shows this? My last question is if their are any other drawings of the fingertips other than the ones you can find in the instruction manual?