There is no ROS2 package made by Robotiq at the moment. It is possible that other person from the community developped something. It should be not that complicate to develop a package.
The gripper can be connected on the UR robot or directly on the ROS PC. Direct connection on ROS PC via RS485éUSB converter is probably the easiest way to go. The current robotiq ROS package is design to work like this.
You can find more information about how to control a gripper connected to a UR robot in this post:
As for the simulation in the current ros package I know we have some model but I am not just this will fit for you.

Thank you for your quick answer.
So if I understand you correctly I have to download the URCap file from (see attached screenshot) and install it on the robot via the teach pendant.
This will install a URCap server that I can send commands to using your Python file from . I can wrap the Python file into a ROS2 node in order to control the gripper with ROS2. In this first setup I have to connect the gripper to the control box of the UR with a serial connection as shown in this video and connect the UR control box via Ethernet with my ROS2 PC, right? So if I want a direct serial connection between the gripper and my ROS2 PC (using a RS485 to USB adapter) I have to follow the instructions of this post: and this post: . In this second setup I do not have to use any control box (neither the UR one nor the Robotiq universal control box) and also no URCap driver but I need a 24 VDC power supply, right? Are there any advantages/disadvantages between the two setups?
Regarding simulation I will most likely use the model provided from and hope that the physics parameters are accurate enough.
I am thinking about purchasing a Robotiq 2F-85 gripper. I would like to mount it to a UR5 robot arm from Universal Robots and control it via ROS2. At the moment I am using Galactic Geochelone running on an Ubuntu 20.04 computer and as soon as the next LTS version is available, I will upgrade to that one (Humble Hawksbill). I am not new to robotics nor ROS, but it is the first time I am using an actual industrial robot arm. So maybe I have overseen something. I have the ROS2 package from Universal Robots installed. So maybe the URCap is solving my issue?
I am wondering if there is an official ROS2 package from Robotiq that allows to control the 2F-85 gripper? I have seen the ROS Industrial repository but it seems that it is no longer maintained what made me a bit worried. Furthermore, I would prefer native ROS2 support instead of using a ROS1 to ROS2 bridge.
Another question is if I have to connect the gripper to the UR's control box or if I can control it independently using ROS2 just by installing a RS485 to USB converter and plug the USB connector into my computer?
On top of controlling the gripper, I would like to simulate it using Ignition Fortress (successor of Gazebo) and perform motion planning using Moveit2. Are there official instructions from Robotiq on how to do that? If not, what would be the best way to go?
Thanks for your support.
Best regards,