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I am programming the Robotiq Hand-E gripper on the UR10e.
In the "Befor Start" sequence, the "Script: greifen" is insert and in the "greifen(p1, p2, p3)" the "Script: greifen" is called.

Unfortunately, the gripper does no action.
Where is the mistake in my program?

Generally, I am a beginner in UR Script and programming in general.
What are the best resources to getting started with the UR Script programming (Robotiq DoF, UR Script Manual, GitHub)?

-----------------------------<Polyscope> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


-----------------------------<Script: greifen> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

def greifen(p1, p2, p3):
    movel(p1, a=1.2, v=0.25)
    rq_set_pos_spd_for(0, 255, 255, "1")
    rq_wait_pos_spe_for_request(0, 255, 255, "1")
    # end: URCap Program Node
    movej(get_inverse_kin(p2, qnear=p2), a=1.3962634015954636, v=1.0471975511965976)
    # begin: URCap Program Node
    #   Source: Robotiq_Grippers,, Robotiq Inc.
    #   Type: Greifer
    if not(gripper_connected[0]):
      popup("Greifer 1 muss verbunden sein, um dieses Programm auszuführen.", "Keine Verbindung", False, True, True)
    if not(rq_is_gripper_activated("1")):
      popup("Greifer 1 ist nicht aktiviert. Wechseln Sie zur Registerkarte Installation > Greifer, um ihn zu aktivieren und das Programm erneut auszuführen.", "Nicht aktiviert", False, True, True)
    rq_set_pos_spd_for(255, 255, 255, "1")
    rq_wait_pos_spe_for_request(255, 255, 255, "1")
    # end: URCap Program Node
    movej(get_inverse_kin(p3, qnear=p3), a=1.3962634015954636, v=1.0471975511965976)