1) What kind of data(other than time, date, and serial number) can be logged using the UR e-series with the finishing copilot?
>Finishing copilot and the robotiq wrist camera are 2 different things. The robotiq wirst camera have a "Scan code" node which read the code visible in the field of view of the camera and store it in the variable "rq_code_string". Code data is stored as string in this variable.
2) What steps do I need to take in order to send the data straight to an external PC(database) rather than to a USB after data matrix code is scanned?
>In "Scan code" node settings, you will find an option "Enable TCP/IP communication of code string". Check it can set parameters to send the data to your PC.
It is also possible to use the variable "rq_code_string" and send it with UR communication function (socket, modbus,...)
3) What is the python/c++ code behind sending these strings?
>The sending is done from the UR program. There is no python or C++ involved.
Hello, I am using the UR camera to scan codes of parts that are placed. Currently the data received is the time and date the part was placed.
There are a few questions I have regarding this process.
1) What kind of data(other than time, date, and serial number) can be logged using the UR e-series with the finishing copilot?
2) What steps do I need to take in order to send the data straight to an external PC(database) rather than to a USB after data matrix code is scanned?
3) What is the python/c++ code behind sending these strings?