I am not sure about what you want to do with this script.
From what I understand the thread inside the script is counting the number of time the thread have been executed.
The robot execute program command with a pace of 0.008s for eSerie and 0.1s for CB. As there is nothing else than a step counter in the thread is behave like a time counter.
If you use eSerie, Step_Counter_Thread_1f0542e5_48a9_4cd4_8e00_e9bb9f64c151*0.008 will give you program execution time.
The variable is not used outside of the thread. It looks like it is not used.
Side remark: it is good practice to add a sync() command at the end of a each thread to avoid having interference with program execution pace.
If you want to run the complete code you can save your script file on the robot via FTP for example or with USB stick. Create a program, import the script and call it with the script command:unnamed()
I don't see so much things in this program. It is probably better to redo it on the teach pendent of the robot without using script.
Attached is a URscript that was generated from the sim software. Im new to script programming and im trying to understand more on how to use this to get more out of my UR.
the questions i have are:
Off topic but has anyone used an automatic tool changer with a UR and can give me some in-site on how they did it as far as the programming goes?
Thanks in advanced