lately I am working on a project in which I wanted to make a connection between UR3 and Balluf vision controler via TCP/IP protocol. On the camera site, the program is waiting for a trigger to make a photo, then analyze the data and create a response with a string value. The controller is configured to connect via TCP/IP, with IP and port 36701, which cannot be changed.
For a UR3 cobot, I set the network on and the same mask as camera. I am using two functions for communication: Socket_open("", 36701, "socket_0") and string=Socket_read_string("socket_0", prefix="(", suffix=")") as the output string are in brackets.
Unfortunatelly, I am not able to receive or send any data from/to UR/camera, and now I do not know what to do. Do I make anything incorrect, or do I miss something?
Does anyone made some projects with Balluff vision / UR cooperation, or do You know what should I do to make this problems be fixed? I would be much obliged for any responses or help ::smile:

Look in the manual starting on page 76 and it gives the details of what you need to do to get it to trigger an image. If you send the connect string to the controller you should get a response from the camera.
I found the manual at https://assets.balluff.com/WebBinary1/MAN_BAE_PD_VS_014_05_EN_K19_DOK_939183_05_000.pdf

To receive a list of numbers you would need to use socket_read_ascii_float. The first index in that list will be the length of the list received. So you would get [length, x, y, r]. Assign the list received to a variable and then you can access the individual element by using variableName[index] notation.
You can also check that the data is valid by checking the length is correct before making assignments.
On your hex values try sending "SOH" for 0x01, "SPACE" for 0x20 and see if those work. I got those values from an Hex to ASCII Chart which you can look at here https://www.bibase.com/ascii.htm. This chart also shows the character for 0x40 is "@" which you said worked so maybe...

None that I am aware of.