Help!I need help, I tried to connect the cognex camera model 7010 to the universal robots model UR10CB3.1 but the screen What should I do,Thank you in advance for information.
The greatest trouble with the Insight 7000 series is getting them on the robot's LAN. Otherwise Cognex has a guide that walks you through the process step by step.
You cannot skip the robot calibration if you are expecting to use the Cognex URcap. The calibration is what translates pixels from the camera image to moves of the robot. Secondly, your camera is offline in Easybuilder which is why you are receiving the offline message in the URcap.
But in my In-Sight Explorer, the system is online. But universal robots still see the system Not onlineAnd the calibration tool in the In-Sight Explorer program is still not available.
Yes my Polyscope version no. I have to check anything more?.To make the devices connect together perfectly