Some clients are trying to integrate our products on Kinova JACO and Gen2. While Kinova Gen3 is equipped with Robotiq gripper mechanical and electrical connection at the wrist, JACO and Gen2 robots have a quite specific wrist connection interface which make things complicate to integrate end effector.Waypointrobotics installed near Boston designed a coupling to easily install robotiq product at the wrist of JACO and Gen2.It is an interesting solution to ease integration:
Some clients are trying to integrate our products on Kinova JACO and Gen2. While Kinova Gen3 is equipped with Robotiq gripper mechanical and electrical connection at the wrist, JACO and Gen2 robots have a quite specific wrist connection interface which make things complicate to integrate end effector.

Waypointrobotics installed near Boston designed a coupling to easily install robotiq product at the wrist of JACO and Gen2.
It is an interesting solution to ease integration: