>The RTDE interface receive UR script. Then UR script is executed by the controller to perform an action. In case of the gripper, the controller will take the UR script and then convert this strict into Modbus RTU command with the support of gripper URCAP.
The direct connection to the gripper is more complex but more flexible. You can directly send modbus RTU command to the gripper. It is probably faster and you can communicate with your own why to the gripper.
a) Easy but slow because you have to send a lot of code for a simple gripper action.
c) Don t know URX but I don t think it will help.
d) Easy and flexible but the gripper is not connected on the robot.
e) It looks like the best option. Gripper is connected on the robot and you are free to communicate in Modbus RTU. This solution is UR ROS package to emulate the gripper communication on the PC and control it in Modbus RTU. Did not had time to test it but it looks good.
To summarize the questions: