You can always request the calibration.conf file from UR, generally takes them just a couple of hours to send it to us when we need it, all you need is the serial number. You’d request this from your local distributor and they can get it from UR. The other way is to mount the drive to your laptop, you will need something that can mount a Linux drive and then copy the file from the drive and store it for safe keeping. We’ve also had several times where the robot will not boot from the USB but we could still mount it on the laptop and get files off of it regardless.

We also just released some cloud tools that allow anyone to keep their robot backed-up and synced in the cloud using a URCap,, if you want to learn more about it you can also read this post as well. Using these tools the robot will automatically backup all the files necessary to rebuild the USB image as well as the files that are needed to send a support ticket to UR. As you save programs each version is saved to the cloud and you can restore back to any previous version from the app.
How are folks creating disk images to help recover from a disk failure without having to re-calibrate their robots? I realize I can get an image from UR and the field calibrate. Field calibrations are never as good as a 2 robot calibration.