You won't be able to use any URCap that make the programming much easier.
It will not be possible to use a robotiq wrist camera either.
What would you like to use the robot for?
It highly depends on the application. If you are looking to do a simple pick and place it could worth it.
I could get a 2012 Ur5 CB2 for a quiet reasonable price.
Now I start to think rather the robot is maybe too old, regardless of the price! The robot was not much in operation, so the device won't fall apart soon... it is more that I realised that e.g the new official ROS Driver won't work on that machine and there are maybe other flaws and pitfalls coming with the V1.8 of Polyscope which cannot be updated anymore. What I would like to have is a list of things that I definitely cannot do with the machine but with a modern one? Are there any issues with the motors, mechanics.. overall performance of the CB2 version? The last but not least: What is a "good price" for such a device? Was used in university only, never in a production.
Thanks in advance!