You could do that using move node and a feature point.
This way you can have all you points relative to the feature point. If you want to offset the move you just have to offset the feature point and everything will follow relatively to it.
I would recommend that you check the section "15.5 Basic program nodes>15.5.1 Move" in UR Software manual.

Are you referring to offsetting the path during move execution or prior to a move being executed?

Currently UR does not support real-time path offsetting like other robots do. You could try changing the TCP but you would need to do it incrementally to prevent a sudden acceleration that exceeds what the UR is capable of unless we are talking pretty small adjustments. I’m not sure though if a TCP change during a program execution would make a path change.
Another option, though not cheap, if you really need to be able to have the robot respond in real-time to obstacles is either the Energid system or the new system from Realtime Robotics. They both provide real time path planning and object avoidance even if the object is moving around.
I am new to programming so, If someone can help me by giving an example of how I can program the robot to offset the current path based on the input received from the sensor. So the robot understands every time the sensor is triggered it knows that it needs to offset the current path to avoid the collision. Thank you in advance.