Which Cognex camera are you using? Not all of the cameras have a socket server on them, you need a camera with a socket server. Also, I do not see any attached photos.

Couple of questions. Are you sending byte 15 and byte 10 as the trigger for the camera? I believe there has to be brackets in the leading and trailing text fields on the format string as you are trying to send in a list of values but I could be wrong, its been a while since I last set up a Cognex using easy builder and I can't get my system to let me open a file without the camera plugged in which is at the customer site.
Also, have you looked at just using the URCap that Cognex has? Assuming that you are using the camera for pick and place and not some other task. It allows you to calibrate the camera to the robot and then use robot guidance with the cap to communicate. You can find information on the cap at https://www.cognex.com/programs/urcap-solution

I just tried but it didn't work.

@danield271 thanks for the update!
I'm trying to receive 4 different parameters from a cognex camera. using the The UR10e cobot. This one should receive four double value of X,Y,R,P(X and Y means the pixel coordinate value of target object from camera, and R means the rotation degree of target object, and P means the match percent of target object). I'm using the code provided by UR (https://www.universal-robots.com/how-tos-and-faqs/how-to/ur-how-tos/vision-system-with-the-robot-15576/) but this doesn't work. I'm able to open the socket but I'm not 4 logical values (see attached photo).
Thanks for your help.