Hi MatthiasMayr,
Good question!
Did you launch all the files in the Robotiq_3f_gripper package? Please see attached screenshots of what you need. You can access these files here: http://wiki.ros.org/robotiq.
You can also find installation procedures here: https://github.com/ros-industrial/robotiq.
Keep us updated if any progress comes up :) !

Hm, that's a bit disappointing taking into account that ROS support is explicitly advertised:
Here are the different packages which allow you to control the 3-Finger Gripper and simulate it using the Gazebo simulator which is commonly used with ROS:
- Articulated Gazebo (robotiq_3f_gripper_articulated_gazebo & plugins) — Loads up the articulated model of the gripper into an empty Gazebo simulation.
With the new package, you can really get a grip on the functionalities of the 3-Finger Gripper!
[2] http://gazebosim.org/tutorials?tut=drcsim_robotiq_hand&cat=drcsim