Hey AdvancedLearner,
Welcome to the DoF Community!
You can find plenty of resources here -> https://robotiq.com/resource-center
You can also access to them by the product page -> https://robotiq.com/products/ft-300-force-torque-sensor and click on "download files"
The support page could also be very useful -> https://robotiq.com/support
Did you have specific questions? Please, feel free to directly ask them to the community.
Good luck with your project :)

Hi AdvancedLearner,
We do have a ROS GitHub page that you check out. Also, our expert in ROS @jproberge will be able to guide you through the setup and use of ROS.
Best regards,

Hi @AdvancedLearner !
Sorry for the delay! As already pointed out by Mathieu, a good starting point is to clone our official ROS package stack, hosted by ROS-Industrial on Github, to your catkin workspace. Before trying to compile the stack, please also see our ROS wiki page for a short list of dependencies. In the stack, you'll find out there is a specific package for the FT300. Once you "rosrun" the said package, it will start publishing all the FT300's data (i.e. Fx, Fy, Fz, Mx, My & Mz) on specific topics, easily accessible from within your application.
Please don't hesitate to contact me should you have any questions about using our products with ROS. Also, don't hesitate to update me if you have an issue while working on your project and I'll be very happy to provide assistance.
All the best,
Jean-Philippe Roberge,
ROS Package Developper / Maintainer