Safety requires dual inputs/outputs to be compliant, so if you are only supplying one of the circuits you will have errors on the robot. You can also wire the machines e-stop to the E0 and E1 blocks that are to the far left of the IO blocks, this leaves two configurable inputs free to be used as regular inputs. But you must provide both E1 and E0 and they cannot be tied together, meaning you cant just jumper the two circuits together. When you look at E1 and E0 you will see they have independent jumpers from the factory in them.
I want to connect my Universal Robot UR10e emergency stop button to the emergency stop button on the machine we are integrating the robot with. We want it so that the operator could hit any of the emergency stops (the one on the robot or on the machine) and both the machine and the robot would stop. After looking in the manual (Section 5.4.2) I know that you have to use the configurable safety I/Os in order to share an emergency stop between machines. In the wiring example that is provided (pasted below), I don't understand why there are 2 wires connecting the configurable inputs to the configurable outputs other than maybe it is to make a complete circuit. We tried using one wire from the machine into the configurable input and another wire from the machine into a configurable output, but when we tried that it kept faulting and it wouldn't let me restart the robot to clear the fault. Has anyone tried to share emergency stop buttons and would be able to give me some advice?