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TCP is a base parameter from the installation files.
There are several ways to change of TCP. This may make a challenge to find all changes of TCP.
You can set the TCP in a set node. I believe this is what you use.
Inside the move: You can select use TCP "x" or "use current TCP" or "ignore current TCP".
Inside a moveL: You can select a feature to offset the taught path. This is the way our camera works.
I do not know exactly if it is possible to edit the value of a TCP while running a program, but if you do so, it might not be taken into account in all situations.
Just as a check.
-Is the program consistent with all the TCP possible change mentioned above ?
-Is your Polyscope up to date ?
-Are the URCaps up to date ?
-Was this program working before a modification ?
-When you say center of the sensor: Is it the OnRobot sensor or Robotiq Camera ?
-Have you thought to offset the position instead of the TCP ? (Only if it is doable.)
-Just to know: Why do you need to update the TCP?
--Because of the tool length change?
--Because the drill head change?
-Can it be a side effect of the FT you use? (Robotiq FT300 do not have such side effects.)
Let us know your situation. If nothing I say is helping you, please send the above requested information to support@robotiq.com . Pictures and the program may help us to help you.
David Gouffé
Integration Coach
Coach en intégration
1-418-380-2788 #275 (Outside US and Canada)
1-418-655-9221 (Cell)

Just a blue dot that represents the tcp

I believe you can see the robot offset depending on the TCP set by default.
I also believe that if the first run works but not the second, it is possible that the " Set command in the 'Before Start' Section " should be at the beginning of the program instead of in the "Before Start" section. This section is only read once the first time the program start. This would explain the first run ok and the second and following to be wrong.
I would suggest contacting " support@robotiq.com " mentioning this DoF Post " https://dof.robotiq.com/discussion/comment/5146#Comment_5146 "
You can also put me in CC d.gouffe@robotiq.com .
We would need:
a picture of the robot "About menu" (for Polyscope version details),
a picture of Robotiq Camera "About tab" in "installation tab" (for URCap version details),
a picture/video of the program (Running ok and/or with the problem),
a copy of the program you try to run with the installation file.
With this we can dig deeper in the problem.
Note that most people set a single TCP, put it by default and then never change it. Maybe your default is set at 0,0,0 (x,y,z) 0,0,0 (w,p,r) . Default is flagged with a green vertical flag on the right side.
Hope to help you more using support.
David Gouffé
Integration Coach
Coach en intégration
Robotiq is now into packaging, palletizing and sanding applications. Learn more about our new Vacuum Grippers and the Robotiq Sanding Kit.
1-888-ROBOTIQ #275 (762-6847)
1-418-380-2788 #275 (Outside US and Canada)
1-418-655-9221 (Cell)
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I am using an UR5 robot, a wrist camera and a HEX-E F/T sensor together with a drilling maxhine in order to accomplish a drilling application based on camera recognition but when I program the movements I noticed that the whenever i set the TCP, it keeps changing its position to the center of the sensor and I haven't found anything about this in the manual or online. Does anyone have any suggestions in order to solve this? The sensor is provided by the OnRobot and the camera by Robotiq.