You would need to also base that off of some known point, the center preferably. Have you tried something like this:
def getNextPositionOnArc(center, theta, radius):
local x = radius*cos(theta) #Theta in Radians, radius in meters
local y = radius*sin(theta)
#Theta in Radians, radius in meters
return pose_trans(center, p[x,y,0,0,0,0])
Center would need to be the center you want of the circle as a pose, you could define a waypoint and then save that to a variable and pass into the functionglobal center = Waypoint_Center
global theta = 0
global radius = 0.025
while (theta < 6.29):
global nextPosition = getNextPositionOnArc(center,theta, radius)
theta = theta + 0.01
Something like that might work
using x^2+y^2=r^2 where x=r*costheta and y=r*sintheta.
Please help me with this thing.