I have never connected a scale but if you want to use Ethernet IP for anything you will need a PLC to connect to the robot for communication unless you get a scale that acts as the scanner as the robot only provides an adapter.
You could look for a scale that uses Modbus TCP as this is native to the robot or TCP/IP ethernet communication which the robot can support through script functions.
Another option is a scale like this which has a 4-20 mA anlaog output which the robot could receive as well, then you just need to convert the analog signal to the actual recorded weight with a math function and then you would have an easy to use scale.

Thank you!

@simmel You're welcome
Does anyone have experience connecting a scale to a UR10e for a checkweighing application? We need our robot to remove the part from the machine, set it on the scale and then place it on a tray if the part is within weight or in a bin if it is not. What scale would be best for this and how did you establish that communication? I was thinking of using an Ethernet IP connection, but maybe there is a better way.
Thanks in advance.