If you are just wanting to send the command and not have a program running on the robot then it’s not possible as the function would not be loaded into memory, it loads the non-native functions on program start.
If a program was running and the function didn’t cause motion then I believe you could send it as a secondary program. Anything sent as a primary program stops the execution of the current program to run the new program.
Good time of the day to everyone,
I am using a UR10 CB-series with Polyscope 3.9 and LabVIEW to control it.
I would like to know if it possible to call a function defined inside the robot program by using TCP/IP. I know that, using the port 30001, I can send a command string such as:
def fnc_move():
and the robot will move with a certain speed and acceleration to the waypoint.
My question is about calling a function defined as a .script file on the UR such as: "fnc movel(wp,a,v)", by sending a command string like "fnc movel(p[0.1,0.2,0.3,0,3.141,0],0.5,0.5)" to call the function stored inside the UR with specific parameters by using TCP/IP.
Do you know if it is possible to do something like this or similar?
Thank you very much for your help and I wish you a nice day
Best regards