Hi @benjamin_gellert,
Our URCap software doesn't support two sensors. On the other hand, the FT sensor use a standard fieldbus protocol Modbus RTU. The UR controller don't have this protocol but it have the Modbus TCP available. For the external hand guide, you can probably connect the FT sensor to a Modbus RTU to Modbus TCP gateway and then connect it to the UR controller. You will then be able to configure the Modbus TCP interface of the UR to read the FT sensor register. None of our software tool will be possible on the external sensor but you will be able to get the data from it for monitoring as you mentionned.

Thanks a lot, that helped.
Hi all,
is it possible at all having two independant force sensors working on a UR10? The idea would be to install one right at the robot flange and the other one would be used for monitoring a hand guide.
Thanks in advance!