Your challenge is probably that at the beginning of the program you check the 4 stacks. This is checked, whenever you emptied a stack or not.
This way, your program always start by checking : Is there a part on the first stack, process all of them, then check for stack 2, then stack 3 and then stack 4.
The IO check should be done just at the beginning of the program when selecting the stack or after a single part is picked to see if the stack is emptied.
Here is the suggested approach for it:
Create a variable assigned to 0 at beginning in the "before start" section.
"StackNb_Var:=0 "
To select the stack, use the actual "If" statement checking the IO of each stack.
This step is inside an "IF" statement only executing if the variable "StackNb_Var:=0 "
Inside each stack selected, assign the current stack corresponding to the IO signal.
(Here is the example of the stack 3, do the same for 1, 2 and 4)
The movements are associated with the current stack. You can select the stack with either a "IF" statement or a "Switch Case" structure.
After each pick is done and the robot cleared the part up, then you can check if the Stack IO is OFF. A Stack IO off is stating the stack is done.
The "IF" statement check the Stack_IO is equal to False and inside the IF statement, you set the variable "StackNb_Var:=0 " . This way the system will select the next stack to unload.
N.B.: "StackNb_Var" is the variable name, whichever the name you choose.
Hope this helps.
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I am working on programming my cell. It consists of 4 load nests that allow me to stack 100 pieces in each stack. There is a prox switch at the bottom of each stack used for part present. I am trying to use the Seek/Destacking function to pick parts one by one. I load up all stations and press start. Robot unloads first station, no problem and starts unloading second. In the meantime, I place more parts in the first nest. The robot now returns to unloading the first nest before completely unloading the nest it was working on. I am using an If statement related to the part present sensors and calling a subprogram that has the destacking info in it. How can I get it to complete the stack it is working on without moving to another stack?