We use VSCode for editing all of our script. There is a plugin for text highlighting as well. We use https://github.com/rckTom/vscode_URScript for that.

How are you trying to debug your script. I’m not aware of anything unless you are running something like our script runner code. There’s nothing in VSCode by default that can execute the URScript.
We have an open source project for testing your code and it allows you to run script as well. It runs against a headless version of the simulator.
You can find more details at https://github.com/Hirebotics/urscript-tools
Hey Gang - Brand new to the forum, relatively new to UR Robots, but have been working in custom automation for the last 10+ years. Working on my first UR Integration, and according to the folks I'm talking to at UR, a lot of what I want to be able to do programming-wise is going to have to be done at the Script level.
I'm not a fan of programming and/or editing in NotePad - is there a good source code editor out there that works with URScript?
Thanks all!